Welcome To Moriarty Project Documentation

Project Type: OSINT
Github: https://github.com/AzizKpln/Moriarty-Project
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aziz-k-074604170/

Adding Features

add feature {feature_name}

All Features:

    add feature *

    • Use this feature to add all the features.

    add feature FindOwner

    • Use this feature to find the owner of the phone number.

    add feature SpamRisk

    • Use this feature to learn about spam risk.

    add feature GetLinks

    • Use this feature to get links related with the given phone number.

    add feature SocialMedia

    • Use this feature to learn about the social media platforms connected with the given phone number.

    add feature GetComments

    • Use this feature to get comments related with the given phone number.

You can use the below command to see the added features:

show options